Newcastle and North East Patent Attorney Graham Archer heads up Archer-IP
Graham Archer

Archer-IP was created by Graham Archer with the specific intention of delivering candid, clear and action orientated service at a level of fees that are always reasonable, appropriate and transparent.
To ensure you get the best possible service from Archer-IP we operate an on line record system to support each application. The system enables both our clients and our team to log on at any time and review the work we are doing together.
Before becoming a Patent Attorney Graham was a computer programmer. Though these might seem like two very different professions they are not. Both are very exact disciplines that involve covering every possibility.
Graham’s clients have included companies such as Stanley Black & Decker, McAfee, Sega, Philips, Mainetti (the world’s largest producer of garment hangers and retail and accessories) and Henry Squire & Sons (lock manufacturers).
A lot of this work has involved the filing of UK patent applications, filing in Europe and in the US as well as filing in some less common place territories.
Amy Nicholson